Supply Chain Story: Olive Oil from Tuscany

On our first night in Tuscany, we hired the fabulous Chicca Maione to make us an authentic Tuscan meal. The food was wonderful! The dishes featured fresh local ingredients

During our dinner, Chicca and her husband, Arnaud, told us about their farm in Tuscany and described how they harvest olives to make the olive oil for Chicca’s cooking school.

You can watch a video clip of the harvesting from their 40 trees.

The olives are harvested by hand. Once the olives are harvested, they are collected, sorted, then processed at the mill within hours to preserve the quality.

Chicca offers in-person cooking classes as well as online classes. She also offers Food & Wine Tours and Tuscan Travel.

Learn more:

Chicca Maione, Cooking in Tuscany

An Interview with Joni & Maryanne on Learning & Development